
Prerequisite: Please make sure to install Build and Deploy (CI/CD) integration. To install it, click here.

With Notifications integration, you can receive alerts for build and deployment pipelines on trigger, success, and failure events. An alert will be sent to your desired slack channel and email address (supports SES and SMTP configurations) with the required information to take up the actions, if required.


  • Receive alerts for start, success, and failure events on desired build pipelines.

  • Receive alerts for start, success, and failure events on desired deployment pipelines.

  • Receive alerts on desired Slack channels via webhook.

  • Receive alerts on your email address (supports SES and SMTP).


  1. On the Devtron Stack Manager > Discover page, click the Notifications.

  2. On the Discover Integrations/Notifications page, click Install.

The installation status may be one of the following:

A list of installed integrations can be viewed on the Devtron Stack Manager > Installed page.

To update an installed integration, please update Devtron.

Last updated