Uninstall Devtron

To uninstall Devtron, run the following command:

This command will remove all the namespaces related to Devtron (devtroncd, devtron-cd, devtron-ci etc.).

helm uninstall devtron --namespace devtroncd

kubectl delete -n devtroncd -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/devtron-labs/charts/main/charts/devtron/crds/crd-devtron.yaml

kubectl delete -n argo -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/devtron-labs/devtron/main/manifests/yamls/workflow.yaml

kubectl delete ns devtroncd devtron-cd devtron-ci devtron-demo argo

Note: If you have questions, please let us know on our discord channel.

Last updated

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