Deployment Charts

Devtron includes predefined helm charts that cover the majority of use cases. For any use case not addressed by the default helm charts, you can upload your own helm chart and use it as a custom chart in Devtron.

  • Who can upload a custom chart - Super admins

  • Who can use the custom chart - All users

A super admin can upload multiple versions of a custom helm chart.

Figure 1: Deployment Charts


  1. A valid helm chart, which contains Chart.yaml file with name and version fields.

  2. Image descriptor template file .image_descriptor_template.json.

  3. Custom chart packaged in the *.tgz format.

1. How to create a helm chart

You can use the following command to create the Helm chart:

helm create my-custom-chart

Note: Chart.yaml is the metadata file that gets created when you create a helm chart.



Name of the helm chart (Required).


This is the chart version. Update this value for each new version of the chart (Required).


Description of the chart (Optional).

Please see the following example:

2. Create the image descriptor template file .image_descriptor_template.json

It's a GO template file that should produce a valid JSON file upon rendering. This file is passed as the last argument in helm install -f myvalues.yaml -f override.yaml command.

Place the .image_descriptor_template.json file in the root directory of your chart.

You can use the following variables in the helm template (all the placeholders are optional):

The values from the CD deployment pipeline are injected at the placeholder specified in the .image_descriptor_template.json template file.

    "server": {
        "deployment": {
            "image_tag": "{{.Tag}}",
            "image": "{{.Name}}"
    "pipelineName": "{{.PipelineName}}",
    "releaseVersion": "{{.ReleaseVersion}}",
    "deploymentType": "{{.DeploymentType}}",
    "app": "{{.App}}",
    "env": "{{.Env}}",
    "appMetrics": {{.AppMetrics}}


The build image tag


Repository name


The CD pipeline name created in Devtron


Devtron's internal release number


Deployment strategy used in the pipeline


Application's ID within the Devtron ecosystem


Environment used to deploy the chart


For the App metrics UI feature to be effective, include the appMetrics placeholder.

For example:

To create a template file to allow Devtron to only render the repository name and the tag from the CI/CD pipeline that you created, edit the .image_descriptor_template.json file as:

    "image": {
          "repository": "{{.Name}}",
          "tag": "{{.Tag}}"

3. Package the custom chart in the *.tgz format

Before you begin, ensure that your helm chart includes both Chart.yaml (with name and version fields) and .image_descriptor_template.json files.

The helm chart to be uploaded must be packaged as a versioned archive file in the format <helm-chart-name>-vx.x.x.tgz.

helm package my-custom-chart

The above command will create a my-custom-chart-0.1.0.tgz file.

Uploading a Deployment Chart

A custom chart can only be uploaded by a super admin.

  • On the Devtron dashboard, select Global Configurations > Custom charts.

  • Select Import Chart.

  • Select tar.gz file... and upload the packaged custom chart in the *.tgz format.

The chart is being uploaded and validated. You may also Cancel upload if required.


The uploaded archive will be validated against:

  • Supported archive template should be in *.tgz format.

  • Content of values.yaml should be there in app-values.yaml file.

  • release-values.yaml file is required.

  • ConfigMap/Secret template should be same as that of our reference chart.

  • Chart.yaml must include the name and the version number.

  • ..image_descriptor_template.json file should be present and the field format must match the format listed in the image builder template section.

The following are the validation results:

Validation statusDescriptionUser action


The files uploaded are validated.

Enter a description for the chart and select Save or Cancel upload.

Unsupported template

The archive file do not match the required template.

Upload another chart or Cancel upload.

New version detected

You are uploading a newer version of an existing chart

Enter a Description and select Save to continue uploading, or Cancel upload.

Already exists

There already exists a chart with the same version.

  • Edit the version and re-upload the same chart using Upload another chart.

  • Upload a new chart with a new name using Upload another chart.

  • Cancel upload.

Viewing Deployment Charts

All users can view the custom charts.

To view the list of available custom charts, go to Global Configurations → Deployment Charts page.

Using Deployment Chart in Application

The custom charts can be used from the Deployment Template section.


The deployment strategy for a custom chart is fetched from the custom chart template and cannot be configured in the CD pipeline.

Editing GUI Schema of Deployment Charts

Who Can Perform This Action?

Only superadmins can edit the GUI schema of deployment charts.


This section is an extension of Customize Basic GUI feature within App ConfigurationBase Deployment Template. Refer the document to know more about the significance of having a customizable GUI schema for your deployment templates.

You can edit the GUI schema of both the deployment charts:

  1. Charts provided by Devtron (Deployment, Job & CronJob, Rollout Deployment, and StatefulSet)

  2. Custom charts uploaded by you



In this example, we will edit the Deployment chart type provided by Devtron.

  1. Click the edit button next to the chart as shown below.

  2. A GUI schema is available for you to edit in case of Devtron charts. In case of custom charts, you may have to define a GUI schema yourself. To know how to create such GUI schema, refer RJSF JSON Schema Tool.

  3. You may start editing the schema by excluding existing fields/objects or including more of them. Click the Refer YAML button to view all the supported fields.

  4. While editing the schema, you may use the Preview GUI option for a real-time preview of your changes.

  5. Click Save Changes.

Next, if you go to App ConfigurationBase Deployment Template, you will be able to see the deployment template fields (in Basic GUI) as per your customized schema.

Last updated