Override Configurations

In certain cases, you may want to override default configurations provided by Devtron. For example, for deployments or statefulsets you may want to change the memory or CPU requests or limit or add node affinity or taint tolerance. Say, for ingress, you may want to add annotations or host. Samples are available inside the manifests/updates directory.

To modify a particular object, it looks in namespace devtroncd for the corresponding configmap as mentioned in the mapping below:

Let's take an example to understand how to override specific values. Say, you want to override annotations and host in the ingress, i.e., you want to change devtronIngress, copy the file devtron-ingress-override.yaml. This file contains a configmap to modify devtronIngress as mentioned above. Please note the structure of this configmap, data should have the key override with a multiline string as a value.

apiVersion, kind, metadata.name in the multiline string is used to match the object which needs to be modified. In this particular case it will look for apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1, kind: Ingress and metadata.name: devtron-ingress and will apply changes mentioned inside update: as per the example inside the metadata: it will add annotations owner: app1 and inside spec.rules.http.host it will add http://change-me.

In case you want to change multiple objects, for eg in argocd you want to change the config of argocd-dex-server as well as argocd-redis then follow the example in devtron-argocd-override.yaml.

Once we have made these changes in our local system we need to apply them to a Kubernetes cluster on which Devtron is installed currently using the below command:

kubectl apply -f file-name -n devtroncd

Run the following command to make these changes take effect:

kubectl patch -n devtroncd installer installer-devtron --type='json' -p='[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/reSync", "value": true }]'

Our changes would have been propagated to Devtron after 20-30 minutes.

To use Devtron for production deployments, use our recommended production overrides located in manifests/updates/production. This configuration should be enough for handling up to 200 microservices.

The overall resources required for the recommended production overrides are:

The production overrides can be applied as pre-devtron installation as well as post-devtron installation in the respective namespace.

Pre-Devtron Installation

If you want to install a new Devtron instance for production-ready deployments, this is the best option for you.

Create the namespace and apply the overrides files as stated above:

kubectl create ns devtroncd

After files are applied, you are ready to install your Devtron instance with production-ready resources.

Post-Devtron Installation

If you have an existing Devtron instance and want to migrate it for production-ready deployments, this is the right option for you.

In the existing namespace, apply the production overrides as we do it above.

kubectl apply -f prod-configs -n devtroncd

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