After Devtron is installed, Devtron is accessible through service devtron-service
. If you want to access Devtron through ingress, edit devtron-service
and change the loadbalancer to ClusterIP. You can do this using kubectl patch
Copy kubectl patch -n devtroncd svc devtron-service -p '{"spec": {"ports": [{"port": 80,"targetPort": "devtron","protocol": "TCP","name": "devtron"}],"type": "ClusterIP","selector": {"app": "devtron"}}}'
After this, create ingress by applying the ingress yaml file. You can use this yaml file to create ingress to access Devtron:
Copy apiVersion :
kind : Ingress
metadata :
annotations : : /dashboard
labels :
app : devtron
release : devtron
name : devtron-ingress
namespace : devtroncd
spec :
ingressClassName : nginx
rules :
- http :
paths :
- backend :
service :
name : devtron-service
port :
number : 80
path : /orchestrator
pathType : ImplementationSpecific
- backend :
service :
name : devtron-service
port :
number : 80
path : /dashboard
pathType : ImplementationSpecific
- backend :
service :
name : devtron-service
port :
number : 80
path : /grafana
pathType : ImplementationSpecific
You can access Devtron from any host after applying this yaml. For k8s versions <1.19, apply this yaml :
Copy apiVersion : extensions/v1beta1
kind : Ingress
metadata :
annotations : : /dashboard
labels :
app : devtron
release : devtron
name : devtron-ingress
namespace : devtroncd
spec :
rules :
- http :
paths :
- backend :
serviceName : devtron-service
servicePort : 80
path : /orchestrator
- backend :
serviceName : devtron-service
servicePort : 80
path : /dashboard
pathType : ImplementationSpecific
Optionally, you also can access Devtron through a specific host by running the following YAML file:
Copy apiVersion :
kind : Ingress
metadata :
annotations : : /dashboard
labels :
app : devtron
release : devtron
name : devtron-ingress
namespace : devtroncd
spec :
ingressClassName : nginx
rules :
- host :
http :
paths :
- backend :
service :
name : devtron-service
port :
number : 80
path : /orchestrator
pathType : ImplementationSpecific
- backend :
service :
name : devtron-service
port :
number : 80
path : /dashboard
pathType : ImplementationSpecific
- backend :
service :
name : devtron-service
port :
number : 80
path : /grafana
pathType : ImplementationSpecific
Enable HTTPS For Devtron
Once ingress setup for devtron is done and you want to run Devtron over https
, you need to add different annotations for different ingress controllers and load balancers.
1. Nginx Ingress Controller
In case of nginx ingress controller
, add the following annotations under service.annotations
under nginx ingress controller to run devtron over https
(i) Amazon Web Services (AWS)
If you are using AWS cloud, add the following annotations under service.annotations
under nginx ingress controller.
Copy annotations: "http" "443" "true" "<acm-arn-here>"
(ii) Digital Ocean
If you are using Digital Ocean cloud, add the following annotations under service.annotations
under nginx ingress controller.
Copy annotations: "http" "443" "<your-certificate-id>" "true"
2. AWS Application Load Balancer (AWS ALB)
In case of AWS application load balancer, add following annotations under ingress.annotations
to run devtron over https
Copy annotations: alb '[{"HTTP": 80}, {"HTTPS": 443}]' "<acm-arn-here>"
3. Azure Application Gateway
In case of AWS application load balancer, the following annotations need to be added under ingress.annotations
to run devtron over https
Copy annotations: "azure/application-gateway" "http" "true" "<name-of-appgw-installed-certificate>"
For an Ingress resource to be observed by AGIC (Application Gateway Ingress Controller) must be annotated with azure/application-gateway. Only then AGIC will work with the Ingress resource in question.
Note: Make sure NOT to use port 80 with HTTPS and port 443 with HTTP on the Pods.
Last updated 5 months ago