Git Accounts

Git Accounts allow you to connect your code source with Devtron. You will be able to use these git accounts to build the code using the CI pipeline.

Add Git Account

To add git account, go to the Git accounts section of Global Configurations. Click Add git account.

Provide the information in the following fields to add your git account:

Update Git Account

To update the git account:

  1. Click the git account which you want to update.

  2. Update the required changes.

  3. Click Update to save the changes.

Updates can only be made within one Authentication type or one protocol type, i.e. HTTPS (Anonymous or User Auth) & SSH. You can update from Anonymous to User Auth & vice versa, but not from Anonymous or User Auth to SSH and vice versa.


  • You can enable or disable a git account. Enabled git accounts will be available on the App Configuration > Git repository.

Last updated