This installation will use AWS s3 buckets for storing build logs and cache. Refer to the AWS specific parameters on the Storage for Logs and Cache page.
This installation will use Azure Blob Storage for storing build logs and cache. Refer to the Azure specific parameters on the Storage for Logs and Cache page.
If you are planning to use Devtron for production deployments, please refer to our recommended overrides for Devtron Installation.
Check Devtron installation status
The install commands start Devtron-operator, which takes about 20 minutes to spin up all of the Devtron microservices one by one. You can use the following command to check the status of the installation:
kubectl -n devtroncd get installers installer-devtron -o jsonpath='{.status.sync.status}'
The command executes with one of the following output messages, indicating the status of the installation:
The installer has downloaded all the manifests, and the installation is in progress.
The installer has successfully applied all the manifests, and the installation is complete.
Check the installer logs
To check the installer logs, run the following command:
kubectl logs -f -l app=inception -n devtroncd
Devtron dashboard
Use the following command to get the dashboard URL:
kubectl get svc -n devtroncd devtron-service \
-o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress}'
You will get an output similar to the one shown below:
The hostname as mentioned above is the Loadbalancer URL where you can access the Devtron dashboard.
If you don't see any results or receive a message that says "service doesn't exist," it means Devtron is still installing; please check back in 5 minutes.
Note: You can also do a CNAME entry corresponding to your domain/subdomain to point to this Loadbalancer URL to access it at a custom domain.
Please make sure that you do not have anything inside namespaces devtroncd, devtron-cd, devtron-ci, and devtron-demo as the below steps will clean everything inside these namespaces: