Installation Configurations

Configure Secrets

For Helm installation this section refers to secrets section of values.yaml.

Configure the following properties:

Configure ConfigMaps

For Helm installation this section refers to configs section of values.yaml.

Configure the following properties:

Configure Resources

Devtron provides ways to control how much memory or CPU can be allocated to each Devtron microservice. You can adjust the resources that are allocated to these microservices based on your requirements. The resource configurations are available in following sizes:

Small: To configure the small resources (e.g. to manage less than 10 apps on Devtron ) based on the requirements, append the Devtron installation command with -f

Configure Overrides

For Helm installation this section refers to customOverrides section of values.yaml. In this section you can override values of devtron-cm which you want to keep persistent. For example:

You can configure the following properties:

Storage for Logs and Cache


While installing Devtron and using the AWS-S3 bucket for storing the logs and caches, the below parameters are to be used in the ConfigMap.

NOTE: For using the S3 bucket it is important to add the S3 permission policy to the IAM role attached to the nodes of the cluster.

The below parameters are to be used in the Secrets :


While installing Devtron using Azure Blob Storage for storing logs and caches, the below parameters will be used in the ConfigMap.


While installing Devtron using Google Cloud Storage for storing logs and caches, the below parameters will be used in the ConfigMap.

To convert string to base64 use the following command:

echo -n "string" | base64


  1. Ensure that the cluster has read and write access to the S3 buckets/Azure Blob storage container mentioned in DEFAULT_CACHE_BUCKET, DEFAULT_BUILD_LOGS_BUCKET or AZURE_BLOB_CONTAINER_CI_LOG, or AZURE_BLOB_CONTAINER_CI_CACHE.

  2. Ensure that the cluster has read access to AWS secrets backends (SSM & secrets manager).

The following tables contain parameters and their details for Secrets and ConfigMaps that are configured during the installation of Devtron. If the installation is done using Helm, the values can be tweaked in values.yaml file.

We can use the --set flag to override the default values when installing with Helm. For example, to update POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD and BLOB_STORAGE_PROVIDER, use the install command as:

helm install devtron devtron/devtron-operator --create-namespace --namespace devtroncd \
--set secrets.POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD=change-me \

Configuration of Blob Storage

Blob Storage allows users to store large amounts of unstructured data. Unstructured data is a data that does not adhere to a particular data model or definition, such as text or binary data. Configuring blob storage in your Devtron environment allows you to store build logs and cache.

In case, if you do not configure the Blob Storage, then:

  • You will not be able to access the build and deployment logs after an hour.

  • Build time for commit hash takes longer as cache is not available.

  • Artifact reports cannot be generated in pre/post build and deployment stages.

You can configure Blob Storage with one of the following Blob Storage providers given below:

Note: You can also use the respective following command to switch to another Blob Storage provider. As an example, If you are using MinIO Storage and want to switch to Azure Blob Storage, use the command provided on the Azure Blob Storage tab to switch.

Use the following command to configure MinIO for storing logs and cache.

Note: Unlike global cloud providers such as AWS S3 Bucket, Azure Blob Storage and Google Cloud Storage, MinIO can be hosted locally also.

helm repo update

helm upgrade devtron devtron/devtron-operator --namespace devtroncd \
--reuse-values \
--set installer.modules={cicd} \
--set minio.enabled=true



Dashboard Configurations


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