Command Bar

Why command bar?

The command bar is designed to enable you to navigate across the devtron dashboard without having to click around the screen.

Top-level categories (eg. app, chart, security, global-config) are auto-filled depending upon your location on the Devtron dashboard.

You can clear the top-level category to navigate within other category locations.


How to use the command bar (Eg. Navigate to Workflow editor of an App.)

Steps to use

  1. Open command bar by clicking the 🔍 search icon on left navbar or pressing Cmd/Ctrl + /

  2. Start typing the app name you're looking for.

  3. Navigate using between the matching results and press to view nested options.

    Note: Pressing Enter on a highlighted option will navigate to the selected page location.

  4. In this case, app / dashboard / configure / workflow-editor will navigate to the Workflow editor in dashboard application.

Similarly, you can use the command bar to navigate around the Devtron dashboard without a click.

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Last updated