Are you installing Devtron on Minikube, Microk8s, K3s, Kind? See Instructions here
This page helps you to install Devtron without any integrations. Integrations can be added later using Devtron Stack Manager.
Install Helm if you haven't done that already!
Use the following command to get the dashboard URL:
You will get the result something as shown below:
The hostname
as mentioned above is the Loadbalancer URL where you can access the Devtron dashboard.
You can also do a CNAME entry corresponding to your domain/subdomain to point to this Loadbalancer URL to access it at a custom domain.
For admin login, use the username as admin
, and run the following command to get the admin password:
Please make sure that you do not have anything inside namespaces devtroncd, devtron-cd devtron-ci, and devtron-demo as the below steps will clean everything inside these namespaces
To use the CI/CD capabilities with Devtron, users can Install the CI/CD integration.