Are you installing Devtron on Minikube, Microk8s, K3s, Kind? See Instructions here
Install Helm.
Add Devtron repository
Install Devtron
This installation will use Minio for storing build logs and cache.
This installation will use AWS s3 buckets for storing build logs and cache. Refer to the AWS specific
parameters on the Storage for Logs and Cache page.
This installation will use Azure Blob Storage for storing build logs and cache. Refer to the Azure specific
parameters on the Storage for Logs and Cache page.
Append the command with
--set installer.release="vX.X.X"
to install a particular version of Devtron. Wherevx.x.x
is the release tag.
For those countries/users where Github is blocked, you can use Gitee as the installation source:
If you are planning to use Devtron for production deployments
, please refer to our recommended overrides for Devtron Installation.
The install commands start Devtron-operator, which takes about 20 minutes to spin up all of the Devtron microservices one by one. You can use the following command to check the status of the installation:
The command executes with one of the following output messages, indicating the status of the installation:
The installer has downloaded all the manifests, and the installation is in progress.
The installer has successfully applied all the manifests, and the installation is complete.
To check the installer logs, run the following command:
Use the following command to get the dashboard URL:
You will get an output similar to the one shown below:
The hostname aaff16e9760594a92afa0140dbfd99f7-305259315.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com
as mentioned above is the Loadbalancer URL where you can access the Devtron dashboard.
If you don't see any results or receive a message that says "service doesn't exist," it means Devtron is still installing; please check back in 5 minutes.
Note: You can also do a
entry corresponding to your domain/subdomain to point to this Loadbalancer URL to access it at a custom domain.
For admin login, use the username:admin
, and run the following command to get the admin password:
Please make sure that you do not have anything inside namespaces devtroncd, devtron-cd, devtron-ci, and devtron-demo as the below steps will clean everything inside these namespaces:
Still facing issues, please reach out to us on Discord.
In certain cases, you may want to override default configurations provided by Devtron. For example, for deployments or statefulsets you may want to change the memory or CPU requests or limit or add node affinity or taint tolerance. Say, for ingress, you may want to add annotations or host. Samples are available inside the directory.
To modify a particular object, it looks in namespace devtroncd
for the corresponding configmap as mentioned in the mapping below:
, kind
, metadata.name
in the multiline string is used to match the object which needs to be modified. In this particular case it will look for apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
, kind: Ingress
and metadata.name: devtron-ingress
and will apply changes mentioned inside update:
as per the example inside the metadata:
it will add annotations owner: app1
and inside spec.rules.http.host
it will add http://change-me
Once we have made these changes in our local system we need to apply them to a Kubernetes cluster on which Devtron is installed currently using the below command:
Run the following command to make these changes take effect:
Our changes would have been propagated to Devtron after 20-30 minutes.
The overall resources required for the recommended production overrides are:
The production overrides can be applied as pre-devtron installation
as well as post-devtron installation
in the respective namespace.
If you want to install a new Devtron instance for production-ready deployments, this is the best option for you.
Create the namespace and apply the overrides files as stated above:
After files are applied, you are ready to install your Devtron instance with production-ready resources.
If you have an existing Devtron instance and want to migrate it for production-ready deployments, this is the right option for you.
In the existing namespace, apply the production overrides as we do it above.
Let's take an example to understand how to override specific values. Say, you want to override annotations and host in the ingress, i.e., you want to change devtronIngress, copy the file . This file contains a configmap to modify devtronIngress as mentioned above. Please note the structure of this configmap, data should have the key override
with a multiline string as a value.
In case you want to change multiple objects, for eg in argocd
you want to change the config of argocd-dex-server
as well as argocd-redis
then follow the example in .
To use Devtron for production deployments, use our recommended production overrides located in . This configuration should be enough for handling up to 200 microservices.
container vulnerability db
Clair configuration
UI for Devtron
microservice for Git interaction
validating webhook to block images with security violations
db store of Devtron
image scanner for vulnerability
watches changes in ci and cd running in different clusters
deployment metrics analysis
operator for nats
nats server
nats streaming server
sends notification related to CI and CD
core engine of Devtron
ingress configuration to expose Devtron
component to run CI workload
manage secret through external stores like vault/AWS secret store
Grafana config for dashboard
manages blue-green and canary deployments
default store for CI logs and image cache
db config for minio
Devtron is installed over a Kubernetes cluster and can be installed standalone or along with CI/CD integration:
Devtron with CI/CD: Devtron installation with the CI/CD integration is used to perform CI/CD, security scanning, GitOps, debugging, and observability.
Devtron: The Devtron installation includes functionalities to deploy, observe, manage, and debug existing Helm applications in multiple clusters and deeply integrate with multiple tools using extensions.
The minimum requirements for Devtron and Devtron with CI/CD integration in production and non-production environments include:
Devtron with CI/CD
6 GB
1 GB
Production (assumption based on 5 clusters)
Devtron with CI/CD
13 GB
3 GB
Refer to the Override Configurations section for more information.
Note: It is NOT recommended to use brustable CPU VMs (T series in AWS, B Series in Azure and E2/N1 in GCP) for Devtron installation.
Create a Kubernetes cluster (preferably K8s 1.16 or higher) if you haven't done that already!
Refer to the Creating a Production grade EKS cluster using EKSCTL article to set up a cluster in the production environment.
You can install and try Devtron on a high-end machine or on a Cloud VM. If you install it on a laptop/PC, it may start to respond slow, so it is recommended to uninstall Devtron from your system before shutting it down.
2 vCPUs
4GB+ of free memory
20GB+ free disk space
Before we get started and install Devtron, we need to set up the cluster in our servers & install required tools
Create cluster using or or
Add Devtron repository
Install Devtron
Port-forward the devtron-service to access dashboard
To install devtron on Minikube/kind
Cluster use the Following commands
To install devtron on k3s
Cluster use the Following commands
To access dashboard when using Minikube
as Cluster use this command, dashboard will automatically open on default browser.
To access dashboard when using Kind/k3s
as Cluster, use this command to port forward the devtron service to port 8000
For admin login, use the username:admin
, and run the following command to get the admin password:
It is preferd to use Cloud VM with 2vCPU+, 4GB+ free Memory, 20GB+ Storage, Compute Optimized VM type & Ubuntu Flavoured OS.
Create Microk8s Cluster
Install devtron
Ensure that the port on which the devtron-service runs is open in the VM's security group or network Security group.
Commad to get the devtron-service Port number
Are you installing Devtron on Minikube, Microk8s, K3s, Kind? See Instructions
This page helps you to install Devtron without any integrations. Integrations can be added later using .
Install if you haven't done that already!
Use the following command to get the dashboard URL:
You will get the result something as shown below:
The hostname aaff16e9760594a92afa0140dbfd99f7-305259315.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com
as mentioned above is the Loadbalancer URL where you can access the Devtron dashboard.
You can also do a CNAME entry corresponding to your domain/subdomain to point to this Loadbalancer URL to access it at a custom domain.
For admin login, use the username as admin
, and run the following command to get the admin password:
Please make sure that you do not have anything inside namespaces devtroncd, devtron-cd devtron-ci, and devtron-demo as the below steps will clean everything inside these namespaces
After Devtron is installed, Devtron is accessible through service devtron-service
. If you want to access devtron through ingress, edit devtron-service and change the loadbalancer to ClusterIP. You can do this using kubectl patch
command like :
After that create ingress by applying the ingress yaml file. You can use to create ingress to access devtron:
Optionally you also can access devtron through a specific host like :
Once ingress setup for devtron is done and you want to run Devtron over https
, you need to add different annotations for different ingress controllers and load balancers.
In case of nginx ingress controller
, add following annotations under service.annotations
under nginx ingress controller to run devtron over https
(i) Amazon Web Services (AWS)
If you are using AWS cloud, add the following annotations under service.annotations
under nginx ingress controller.
(ii) Digital Ocean
If you are using Digital Ocean cloud, add the following annotations under service.annotations
under nginx ingress controller.
In case of AWS application load balancer, add following annotations under ingress.annotations
to run devtron over https
In case of AWS application load balancer, the following annotations need to be added under ingress.annotations
to run devtron over https
For an Ingress resource to be observed by AGIC (Application Gateway Ingress Controller) must be annotated with kubernetes.io/ingress.class: azure/application-gateway. Only then AGIC will work with the Ingress resource in question.
Note: Make sure NOT to use port 80 with HTTPS and port 443 with HTTP on the Pods.
Dashboard .
To use the CI/CD capabilities with Devtron, users can Install the .
You can access devtron from any host after applying this yaml. For k8s versions <1.19, :